Furniture 4

Oklahoma Master Woodwright furniture is finished with the most durable product available: a clear coat of polyurethane (often with multiple coats). Regardless, your wood furniture will require proper care to maintain its brand-new look for years to come.

  • Keep your Oklahoma Master Woodwright furniture out of direct sunlight. Shade with blinds or drapes.
  • Keep your Oklahoma Master Woodwright product in a climate and humidity-controlled space. Your furniture was built and finished to reside indoors, not in a garage, open porch or attic. Extreme temperature changes in these environments can damage your furniture. If humidity levels in your home are low in the winter, consider using a humidifier to protect your furniture. 
  • Clean and dust with a non-buildup dusting product. If a cleaner is required, use a damp (not soggy or wet) clean cloth with mild mixture of soap and water. Remove residual soap with a cloth dampened in clean water. Use a clean cloth to dry and buff the furniture immediately after cleaning. 
  • Watch out for pets who may “mark” your furniture. This can cause permanent damage to the finish. 
  • Use vacuum attachments to clean around your furniture. Vacuum cleaners can scratch the wood.
  • Mops and other floor cleaning tools may leave water and moisture on your furniture. If moisture gets on or under your product, wipe it up immediately with a clean dry cloth. Not doing so can damage your furniture.